Introducing our She Is Everything Series showcasing intimate conversations with some of our muses who are multifaceted and dynamic in their own right, and who resonate with our ethos surrounding creating your own story, intentionality, sustainability and mental health to name a few. A connection with like-minded people and our ever evolving stories.

Sustainability is a way for the world to go back to living smarter for the world around us and for our earth's future. No one is perfect when it comes to consumption, but being mindful is one of the most important initial steps, and sustainability helps educate people without scaring them.
Stephanie Arant
My passions have always revolved around expressing myself through fashion and style. Usually that comes along with what I do for a living which is styling, photographing and creative directing.
What is some advice you have for your younger self/old you?
Have more confidence in yourself. I think when I was younger I was so scared of things my parents were scared of. Traveling, being alone, not having a stable job, etc. Over time you realize that all of those things can change and I’ve really spent too much time worrying about things too far in the future.
How would you describe your style? Favorite SIE style and why?
My style is always dependent on my mood. I can be girly, sexy, creative or casual. It really just depends on how I’m feeling that day. Taylor bikini top and Monroe bikini bottom fit me like an absolute dream. Being small chested but with a larger butt definitely makes certain swimsuit combinations hard. But I feel my ultimate self in this suit!

Who is your muse? What is a muse to you?
I feel like I don’t have one specific muse but rather an assortment of muses. Basically anyone I follow on Instagram is a muse in some way shape or form to me. Whether it’s their minds, their style, their hearts, or their humor. A muse is just anyone who inspires you in any way shape or form.
What inspires you? Where is your happy place?
I was always a shy kid so for me, a lot of inspiration always came from media. I used to shy away from that and consider it a not so unique way of finding inspiration. But having not traveled much in my youth, and just now picking that portion of my life up more, I still think media (social, print, photography, etc) still is the largest mode of inspiration. My happy place however is always with friends and family.
What do you value the most?
Time. There’s nothing quite as valuable to me. It definitely can put a strain on relationships I have with those who don’t value it as much, but for me time is something you can’t get back ever and therefore is the most valuable. Spending it wisely whether that’s just relaxing alone or going on an adventure. Just making sure I’m making the choice for how I feel.
Create your perfect story in your head. Where do you see yourself? Or are you living it?
Every time I picture the perfect story in my head it’s honestly living a really quaint and quiet life. For as much as I want to travel and see the world - here I am living in a small town by the sea where things move at a slow pace, but there's plenty of room for adventures. I definitely see that for myself in the near future and hope that it is something that I can attain! Usually I envision this somewhere in Europe, but realistically I think there might need to be a compromise there haha.

Why is sustainability important to you?
I’ve grown up in the age of overconsumption. The era of fast food, quickening almost everything we do so we have more time to work harder, be more efficient, or whatever else we are being told to do. But with all of that, I think we’ve lost so much as well. We’ve lost artisan and craftsmanship, and we’ve lost appreciation for what nature provides to us. Sustainability is a way for the world to go back to living smarter for the world around us and for our earth's future. No one is perfect when it comes to consumption, but being mindful is one of the most important initial steps and sustainability helps educate people without scaring them.
Mental health and support is really important to us - where do you find support?
I find a lot of support in who I surround myself with. My friends and family are extremely open about their mental health and it’s something my sister and I are constantly helping our family to understand more.
How do you find balance and calm in your life?
This is something I”m still working on to this day. I’ve lived a very anxiety fueled life looking back. Expecting to be perfect in all aspects of my life from grades to growing at my past jobs so for me finding balance never felt “right”. Nowadays I try to appreciate the good things that are in my life. The fact that I don’t NEED to set so many goals and reach them so consistently to find value in myself. That value comes from being a good friend, wife, dog mom and being there for those around me.
Nowadays I try to appreciate the good things that are in my life. The fact that I don’t NEED to set so many goals and reach them so consistently to find value in myself. That value comes from being a good friend, wife, dog mom and being there for those around me.
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and why?
Italy and the south of france have been on my list for a long time. It’s also Summer so who wouldn’t want a little European adventure!